Sedation dentistry is a form of dentistry that is often used to help alleviate anxiety and fear in the dental patient.
Dental anesthesia is a tool to help patients remain calm during both routine and difficult dental procedures.
Oral sedation is a form of sedation using a medication given by mouth to a child to minimize anxiety . It is intended to make patients feel more relaxed and more cooperative where in normal circumstances, they may not be. Often patients may not be able to tolerate treatment with Nitrous Oxide alone. Oral sedation can go a step further to help alleviate severe anxiety.
In-office general anesthesia is often used to treat children who cannot tolerate treatment in the dental chair under normal circumstances. This inability to tolerate such procedures can be a function of age, medical history, behavioral problems, or the extent of treatment needed. The patient is typically unconscious during the procedure and is always being monitored by an Anesthesiologist.
Some children may not be candidates for in-office general anesthesia due to their compromised medical history and may need to be treated in a hospital setting under general anesthesia.
Along with Great Grins Children’s Dentistry offering a variety of different options for receiving anesthesia, there are also a variety of different benefits to using sedation dentistry. The use of anesthesia can help manage the patient’s behavior by alleviating anxiety or by temporarily putting them to sleep. Sedation levels can also be personalized to the correct level depending on the needs of the patient. Anesthesia makes dental procedures seamless and efficient as well as make patients more comfortable therefore encouraging them to visit the dentist more often.
Great Grins Children’s Dentistry is ready to give your child a sensational smirk. Call now!